Homeowners Association Plan Review Services


Robert Mitchell & Associates provides Homeowner Association Plan Review Services for over 150 different California communities. We process reviews for all types of homes: single family detached, custom, large estate, stacked flat or detached condominiums, town and courtyard, lot line and alley loaded.

The Review Process:

Plans reach our office by mail or courier service. Utilizing project specific Design Guidelines that we incorporate into a checklist reflecting all aspects of the community standards, the Initial Plan Submittal is reviewed first by trained staff and then again by a licensed landscape architect. By implementing this exhaustive checklist and having two individuals perform separate reviews we assure high accuracy and maintain objective and consistent evaluations. We provide a written document clearly stating our recommendations in areas that require further attention by the homeowner. The homeowner can address these recommendations with their Re-submittal. The entire process is completed in a typical turnaround time of 1 ½ working weeks.

Our contracts allow for an Initial Review along with two Re-submittals and a Notice of Completion via photographs. In all cases our service fee is not greater than the amount charged to the homeowner by the association.


Robert Mitchell & Associates currently evaluates over 400 submittals a month in conjunction with property management companies.